International Women's Rights Conference

Each year, African Initiatives holds a women’s rights conference in central Bristol. The day features talks, discussions and inspiring personal stories, raises awareness of women’s rights around the world and inspires people to take action.

This year some of our sessions will look at how climate change & sustainability are key issues for women in developing countries as part of our overall theme “The Future Women Want”.

It is all about inspiring positive social change. It will be an opportunity to listen to women and men working around the world for gender equality, and to share our goals for the future.



Saturday 7th March 2015, 9.30am – 4.15pm.


Broadmead Baptist Church
1 Whippington Court

Event type

  • Talks & Debates

Event organiser

African Initiatives



Bristol map showing Cabot, Clifton and Clifton East
Cabot, Clifton and Clifton East